Saturday, March 23, 2013

still counting

day 3, that living without twitter

maybe day 1, that not for contacting


It's 1215 in the night
There are always a reason cause me not to fall asleep
I am tired, really tired

Brain tired of thinking
Body tired of waiting 
Heart tired of everything, in love

I do love my family very very much
And also my friends
I expected my another half to accept the way how i am
Including my family and friends
But not trying to change anything on it
Forcing me to do anything that i really dont want to

Like i always said, people are really selfish
Maybe i just need to find out a way to be selfish
For thinking myself more but not others

Live for 21years
But totally no one understand me
How sad is it
I guess i am really weird, different from others
Not acceptable. 

A broken heart, waiting to be fix. 

Thursday, March 14, 2013


have a short post before i went sleep

day by day, you don't really realize how time flies
until you looking back for the time
trying to find out what you had did for yourself

i did do something meaningful for myself
spending my own money to buy everything i wants
not my parent, not the bf but myself
a little proud of myself :P

but should really stop spending
i guess i really spend too much on those branded
start saving, i wanted to go travel, alone or with the love one

time to bed
nights world
*god blessing.

**The most important thing being in a relationship is being comfortable with your other half. Love the person who love you as you. Don't have to pretend, don't have to fake anything but you. Don't try to be someone else cuz you'll end up pretending forever and you'll be suffocating in that relationship. --- Jane Chuckei

Friday, March 8, 2013

J for Jayesslee.

i am deeply in love with this song
touch my heart
they are really really awesome
love to the max

i've downloaded all their songs on itunes
now i am in love with my iphone

i am waiting, waiting for them to come again
not to miss any of their concert
Jayesslee always the best:) 



看了52分钟的[Life of Pi]

对 我从来就不看这类电影


恶心的感觉 还是快散去好
要不然 我晚上准备睡不着

不适合 = 勉强幸福?
勉强幸福 = 没幸福?

其实 读懂我 真的 那么难?

Thursday, March 7, 2013


guess that it's really time to have a body check
these days always feel like vomit after eating
i wondering what happened to my little stomach
big like a ball

and the weather lately is really really like shit
what's wrong with the weather
so damn hot
everyday sweating like shit
so people drink more and more water
don't get sick
be a healthy baby:)

shall go and take a cold shower
i am dying in the room
even with the aircon -.-'

to all my readers
take good care of yourself

Tuesday, March 5, 2013


alright, i know i am so cacat recently
since not sleeping very well in everyday
i don't know why always waking up at 3 or 4 and 6 or 7 in the morning
killed me
the super big eyes bag :(

i know i am super fat now
just can't stop eating
too lazy to do exercise 
that's why so FAT
should be more hardworking
by action, not the mouth
laziest girl -.-'

nothing more changing in the life
argument still the more
pressure still the many
always still the tired
and this is my life
accept  it

drama time
bye people
see you soon