Tuesday, April 23, 2013


thought to have some changes for the blog
end up, was like changed nothing
i don't really know what to change
just loving the way how it be

cried for quite long today
super head ache now
eyes super dry
should go to bed after blogging

some secret of myself, i shouldn't be telling him about that
but, i was totally losing control today
cry like shit, until i don't really know what's really happened

all that i know, i am really stress about the life now
really dying, really killing me
until i can't breath 
the only way i could release myself
only blog, and non stop crying

i don't know who can i talk to
just because i know, nobody likes to hear about people crying to complains about their life
how sucks, how shit about it
honestly, no one cares
so that i do rather to hide, to act like nothing
but when i am alone
terrible shit

not to be a burden, i promised
but seem like i am still, a burden
independent girl? i always thought i am
big wrong of myself

i do really miss the time when i was just staying home and doing nothing everyday
no pleasure, a happy girl, was really the best moment to me
and now, i wonder how happy i can smile for, how loudly i can laughs for

God, if you hear my pray
please tell me what to do
i don't wanna stay in this suffer anymore
*bless me.

wish me to have a nice sleep
nights world
nights people
sleep tight and sweet dream.


但原来 不是每个人都会用心 去谅解你


Sunday, April 21, 2013

about love

Hey, I am back :)

just came back from baby's hometown today
honestly, i am happy to be with him.

day by day, love you more than i can say
although sometimes i really feel like giving up to escape the problems
but i am still choosing to stay, for fight, to make it better
just sometimes i wish to be concern more by you
i do love you, like you love me.

thanks for the moments, i know you are working hard to be my better man
i knew and i really saw your efforts
i am not taking for granted
am doing my best to be better to you
fighting for the better future.

i've got no point by posting this
just to release my feeling
i don't know why, having the very strong feeling
i always wonder how much do i love this guy
and now, i got it
more than i thought
this is love.


Tuesday, April 9, 2013


每天的每天 人们都为了实践自己的梦想而奋斗努力着
有目标的人生 向往梦想的未来前进

而对于一个 没有目标 或是 有目标而不能实践的人

我常常在抱怨 为什么没有人能理解我
到头来 原来也是和别人一样
是难受 是委屈 
也只能听着别人说的不是 静静地受了下来

我从来不受约束 因为我只忠于自己
这样的行为 我被批判为刁蛮任性
在我自己看来 我只是在做最真实的自己

当钱的奴隶 我是真的很鄙视
这样的我 又被批判为天真幼稚
不想因为钱 去改变任何的东西
反倒 不富裕的生活 其实才是最纯朴快乐

倒是有一样 是真的准没错
是因为我觉得 我没必要去为无关要我的事 加重自己的担子
做好自己 简简单单 开开心心 不是很好?

改变自己 我做不到.

Monday, April 1, 2013

1st of April.

Happy Monthsary Baby

a bad day to me
i am sick
fever + food poison
went to see doctor
should be taking medicine and sleep right this moment
but insist of blogging

needs baby boy so badly
need a big and tightly hug
i wanted to feel warm and loved
i wanted to stick with him, so that i could be like a baby to sleep in his arms
but too bad that he is just not around with me
and i really feel like crying
just so bad

time for me to take my medicines and sleep
nights world