Friday, September 30, 2011

i have nothing to blog today

just came to say GN to all of you

Good Night People 
sleep tight and sweet dream
ily :)

LeeHom's New Song

Thursday, September 29, 2011

i think i'm having a very good mood now

should have a very nice sleep and sweet sweet dream tonight

thank God :)

 only God know what am i thinking, and make it real


Wednesday, September 28, 2011

mid of the night again
i plan to sleep at 2am
but failed
after blog, have to off to sleep

mommy said, is really time i should have a plan for my future
gorgor said, i'm wasting my time doing nothing, i have to stop it
me, i have no plan for my future, no idea what to do
they are worrying about my future, so am i.

useless, i really useless
why i can be so blur for my future?
getting mad on myself
i'm stupid, an idiot
kill me.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

raining monday night

time showing 0122am
i'm not sleepy
have nothing to post
but i am here

mid of the night
listening to songs, blogging
i'm enjoying

my life, getting simple and simple
everyday doing same things, nothing special
but i really like it
at least i got my family with me everyday
friends cares me
i'm not alone
although i had lost the he, 
but God giving me another better life
Thank God, for loving me all the time.


good night pretty world

Monday, September 26, 2011

he is smiling without me

someday, i can smile without him too

i believe that, i can.

*good night world.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

slept at 4am, woke up at 9am
quite tired today

chat with some friends last night
few hours, idk what we are taking about
i'm so blur
they trying to make me smile
i'm sorry, jokes doesn't make me smile
useless, yeah i am.

received alot of calls today
dating me out
i'm so sorry, really not in the outing mood
wanna stay at home, don't feel like going out
give me some time, i will meet all of you someday
wait for me, kay?

went to see doctor, thank God finally
i don't have to go back to the place anymore
i'm getting better, feeling good
but mommy still wants me to stay at home rest
1 of the reason why i'm not going out
mommy so worry about me
i think i stay with her, she will feel much more better
at least don't have to call me in time, worry i pengsan at outside
body still weak
why my body so weak? really don't like.

when i'm alone, i feel like crying all the time
too stress, too tired
cannot afford
very lost, i'm afraid.

God, save me

i don't want to be alone

Saturday, September 24, 2011

闹情绪, 脾气在作祟
还是我在期盼他看穿我, 实践他的话?

这一刻会想你, 但是下一秒 已经不是了
只是我的脑袋 适应不了这样的转变
想念的话 还是牢牢在脑海里 挥散不去
自作自受 自欺欺人 我是难过得活该

好人 坏人 这个世界不会有百分百的人
人总有缺憾 你可以要求些什么?

听不明 说不清, 我到底在逃避什么?

此时此刻, 我终于明白
是我把你看得太重, 把自己也看得太重
我也差点忘了, 我只是过客
谢谢你, 提醒了我
过客, 没有尊严的过客?

我会记得你在我需要你的时候 你选择逃避我

哭了 累了

你也只是 我的 过客

what am i crying for?
what i want?

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Good Good Day ♥

2 good news
best thing ever

a very big big and good good news
i'm lucky girl
saw it?
i don't have to go NS anymore, forever and ever
thank God, finally
thank you to myself, body weak so that don't have to go
i actually very excited

another good thing
yeah, i finally get my BB9780
why don't get the new one?
i don't really like both of the new one
i like 9780 the most

2 best news in 2011
a very happy day today
i love 20/09/2011

i'm feeling better today
good mood make me feel much better

beside happy, abit sadness
i wanted to share my happy with him
i miss him the whole day
holding my phone, wanna text him
but i know i can't
keep my promise
i want him to find me

i miss you, and i can't wait to be in your arms again

Monday, September 19, 2011

friends read my last post

all of them started texts me, calls me, comments me

they worry about me, care about me

they wanted to show me, they're still remember me, i'm still important
they will be with me all the time

Thanks People
I read all the comments and texts
I'm touched
but sorry for i'm not calling back
cos my phone had out of credit
i'm so sorry
thank you for being here with me


how's you guys?

i'm still sick, body still weak like hell
mommy don't let me out before i recover
everyday, without staying home, i'm sticking with mommy going everywhere
like a kid, can't live without mommy
he left, no one is here to protect me
so i stick with mommy, she protect me
ily mom

i miss everyone, i miss You,

Monday, September 12, 2011

sick for a long time
still not recover yet
exhausting everyday

when i click in to my blog
i saw the chat room:
12 Sep 11, 06:55 AM
Anonymous: I'm sorry.
i was guessing who saying sorry to me
yeah, the person came out from my mind was him
but i don't think he will still read my blog
and leave comments to me
i'm just nobody
that won't be him
but honestly, i wish that was him
i wish he will still care about me
wish that he will miss me like how much i miss him every moments and seconds
yeah, i'm dreaming

phone is still off+ing
without here, i'm still disappear everywhere
i don't wanna meet anyone
i don't wanna explain what happened to me
i'm sorry
maybe someday, friends will forget about me
i'm not important anymore

In everything I do, I hear, I eat, I smell, I see... I always remember [somebody]

i'm just trying hard to be happy.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

我以为 从此我的故事 就开始改写

回到了原点 最初的那一个地方
故事再次回到改变前的最后一刻 继续进行着

没在上网 不出门去 关了电话
这一次 我真的需要一个没有声音的地方
用自己的方式 让自己得到释怀
对不起 让你们忧心 担心了

我爱的人 不是我的爱人
大难临头 各自飞
我也终于 深深地 体会到了

爹地 妈咪 哥哥 甚至 弟弟
不能被原谅的错 他背负了全世界人对他的好
其实他一点都不稀罕 我给的一切
我的 根本微不足道 不会被看见

不能接受 不能相信
为什么 每一次 都要让我发现发觉 这样的残酷?
我真的有这么糟糕? 不值得?

一个人, 破坏了 我很美好的一生
这是我 人生里 第一个 脱不去的 污点
一辈子的遗憾 一辈子的阴影

我第一次深深感受到 他们每一个人 对我的爱
原来他们 最爱最爱的 是我
我从来没有发现 他们对我的好
我应该惭愧 我哭不是因为我难过 是难受
我一直不顾家人的反对 还是坚持要跟他在一起
即使是这么错的决定 他们选择让我做自己喜欢的事
从小到大 任性的 都一直是我

告诉自己 不能回头再看过去
勇敢踏出这一步 从新开始
没有任性 我要成长

昨天 很谢谢一个人
一个 陌生的朋友
有时候 一个陌生人 总会比身边的人 还能看得更清楚
当局者迷 只有陌生人看得最清
我绝对信任这个人 我更希望我的真心 能真的换来一个值得交的朋友
谢谢你 在我很无助的时候借了我你的时间
客套的安慰 虽然起不了啥作用
但是一字一句 记在心里 我不会忘记 
在我很需要的时候 有你的出现 这是让我非常窝心的事
很谢谢你 很喜欢 你 这个 朋友

学着去忘记 我爱的人
