Wednesday, July 15, 2015

无所谓 没关系

把电脑打开 打开页面来到这

我不知道对其他人来说 会有着怎么样的感受
但是确实对我来说 会是一种难受

所谓的爱 早已经消失在空气中



我说了 我从来不迷信星座这回事
但是今天 我成了多愁善感的巨蟹女

但是心里面的位置 总来就没有改变

我依然怀念 所有过去我们拥有的时光
曾经何时 他们是我生活的一部分
无法缺乏的 亲人

感慨完了 也甘愿了
继续 睡觉吧

Monday, July 13, 2015


another week
just recovered from sick
fever was like period
came every month
at least sick for once in a month
too tired for it
not enough sleep totally killed me

i didn't know that you made the big step to text me
to wish me on my birthday
yeah, i am happy to get the message
and i just not showing you my happy
i am sorry but i wish to have the conversation too
but i can't, you should know why
always too hard for me

i guess that i am changed
tell you on the next post

time for bed
although the city was so sick now
but still the beautiful world to me

be careful while outing
better just staying home
hopefully everything would be fine very soon

night people

Monday, July 6, 2015


i'm here at this hour, going to be 2am
repeating to my favorite song
i guess i miss you

i almost, almost call it out
that's the reason why i am here mid of night
calm myself with blogging
NEVER, i am not going to hurt myself after thousand of times
i promised, move on

i shall go to bed before i do stupid thing again
good night world

Saturday, July 4, 2015


so HI, i am here today
yeah, finally here for the random post

just passed my birthday yesterday
thanks everyone for the wishes, for the treats
for being with me in this special day
i celebrated my birthday for week
i really appreciated what you guys did for me
even just a simple dinner
but really means alot to me
i thought no one is going to celebrate with me this year
since boyboy (we share the same birthday) not around me this year
no bf, but friends and family
appreciate for it

one of my birthday wish, is to receive a message form someone
the someone, thanks for the birthday wish
if you are still reading this

okay, everyone been asking for it
I always want to try having short hair
just because the someone said i look nicer in long hair
so i keeping my long hair, not cutting it
but this time, i make it real, in short
And i really love my hair
Thanks to my super professional hairstylist

" hair cutting makes me feel fresh.
It's like a reset button, it makes me feel like I can start afresh.
I have no idea why, I just feel so.
男生都覺得長髮的女生比較漂亮 高雅 比較有女人味
我問了十個男生朋友 十個都要我別剪
我一直都不敢剪 而且前男友贊我長髮漂亮要我別剪 我牢記在心 lol loser
想說 woman! 頭髮是你的 剪不剪 你自己決定 瀟灑一點 頭髮會長的(雖然真的要等很久 哭)
一個人如果喜歡你 長髮短髮都會一樣愛 呵
現在剪了 甘願了 " -Daphne.C

daphne said what my heart wanna says
needed a reset button, to start afresh
so i decided to cut my hair short

i feel like i've to do something to changes myself
anything for the something
just to force myself prove that i can really move on

should be thanking the someone
the last call, last conversation, 
you've really no ideas how hurt it was
but i blame for nothing, i always knows the answer
and i really understand the situation
too late too real for it

is really hard for me to let go, but i trying and doing for this time
i'm moving on, really moving on
i know i am super hell stubborn
but i always do what i wants, right or wrong
i bet and be responsible for it

was like, "damn! really finally to do this"

but one last time,
i really miss you like crazy